Energy-efficient HVAC system for new building at historic junior school
Lewis Sheet Metal was chosen by Knight Contracting and Erb Technical Contracting to be a member of the mechanical team for the Glenlyon Norfolk School (GNS) Beach Drive project in the District of Oak Bay. LSM supplied and installed a new HVAC system in the junior school parkade using five Swegon Energy Recovery Ventilators with MERV 13 filtration. This system is so efficient that it recovers 90% of the building’s energy from the exhaust air stream, exceeding the current building code requirements by a wide margin.
With the structural completion date and the finishing start date nearly overlapping, LSM had a small window to complete the necessary ductwork for the junior school. Using 3D models through Building Information Modeling, we were able to work effectively and efficiently to meet the tight deadline while maintaining the quality needed for a system that provides clean air to the entire school. This new, highly-efficient ventilation system will serve the GNS students, the visiting parents and the faculty today—and for many years to come.
The Glenlyon Norfolk School Beach Drive campus is an independent university preparatory day school with Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 classrooms. Situated oceanside in historic buildings, the campus opened in 1932 as an all-boys school by Major Ian Simpson, a heroic survivor of WWI who hailed from Scotland. In 1986 it amalgamated with an all-girls school, founded in 1913 by British-born Julia McDermott and Dora Atkins, to form a co-ed JK to Grade 12 prep school with two campuses.
Lewis Sheet Metal completed the ductwork for the Glenlyon Norfolk School at 1701 Beach Drive in September of 2020.